Cover Cropping
In this rapidly changing industry, we’ve realized the importance of continually updating our approach to stay relevant in the market, and are committed to just that. VTF Sunrise excels in cover crop seeding.  New for 2023, we have a Fendt Rogator 900 machine that we can utilize for fertilizer application as well as cover cropping. This machine allows us to get 700-800 acres completed in 1 day. It is equipped with camera sense technology that will self-operate the machine throughout each field of crops.
Cover crop decisions can sometimes be overwhelming at first, but VTF-Sunrise is here to help. Check out the FAQ's and resources below or contact us to speak to one of expert team members.
What are the benefits of using cover crops?
Reduces erosion
Decreases soil compaction
Lowers nitrogen losses
Increases organic matter
Improves weed control
Increases water infiltration
Improves soil biological activity
What methods are available for planting cover crops?
Air cart seeders
Grain drills
Air-boomed fertilizer trucks
Spinner box fertilizer trucks
12 volt seeders
VTF Sunrise Cover Cropper.
What types of cover crops are available?
Annual Ryegrass
Cereal Rye
Crimson Clover
Oilseed Radish
Austrian Winter Peas
Cow Peas
Hairy Vetch
What are the benefits of early seeding?
Provides more vegetative growth for improved soil tilth
Improves germination
Early rain falls provide increased yields
Aids in harvesting crops during wet seasons
More accurate seed placement than aerial seeding