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Soil Sampling

The first step in understanding field yields, is determining the soil quality and the nutrients needed to produce the highest yields possible. VTF-Sunrise excels in soil sampling by providing accurate results and customized reports for each field (as seen below). We can come to you, or you can bring a sample to us!

Grid Soil Testing

Grid soil sampling reveals how the nutrients are distributed across a field. By collecting more soil samples on a field we can better understand the nutrients available and address nutrient needs more effectively and efficiently.


  • Grid sampling prevents over-application of fertilizer in areas where nutrient levels are high.

  • Grid sampling allows for soil enrichment with fertilizer in areas where nutrient levels are low.

In each of these cases, the soil sample allows for the fertilizer to be better optimized creating more potential for better returns. 

Grid soil sampling and variable rate applications of fertilizer adds a level of control and the potential for better returns while protecting the health of your crops and natural resources.

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Spectrum Analytic

We work closely with Spectrum Analytic to determine the pH balance, Organic Matter, Nutrients and Saturation in each field. Our certified salesman will recommend the proper applications to benefit each field and increase yield and productivity for the upcoming seasons. When testing for Phosphorus and Potassium, we typically notice high levels in the area and recommend Momoammonium Phosphate, Potash and Lime - based on the results per field.

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